Wake-back-to-bed, is not a type of dream. a wbtb is merely a short awakening that one plans in order to spend some time awake in the middle of the night to get the mind focused on lucid dreaming. during a wbtb, you can take lucid aids, write in yoru dream journal, read your dream journal, read lucid dreaming forums, or do whatever you want. a wbtb is just a break from sleeping, but often times the period awake is spent focusing on thinking about lucid dreaming. after this, the dreamer can either go to bed normally and try to dild (especially by using mild) or can attempt to wild.\r\n\r\na wild after a wbtb is different from a deild. wbtb periods are usually longer, anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour. the length depends on your preferences and there is no wrong time as long as it works for you. in contrast, a deild is a wild that you attempt immediately upon awakening from a dream. you do not intentionally awaken, but you use the incredibly brief awakening to immediately tell your sleepy body to go back to sleep and attempt to wild.