Syn attack -syn flood is a dos attack in which the hacker sends a barrage of syn packets. the receiving station tries to respond to each syn request for a connection, thereby tying up all the resources. all incoming connections are rejected until all current connections can be established. change this if you want but in the syn flood the hacker sends a syn packet to the receiving station with a spoofed return address of some broadcast address on their network. the receiving station sends out this syn packets (pings the broadcast address) which causes multiple servers or stations to respond to the ping, thus overloading the originator of the ping (the receiving station). therefore, the hacker may send only 1 syn packet, whereas the network of the attacked station is actually what does the barrage of return packets and overloads the receiving station. reference: mike pastore and emmett dulaney, security+ study guide, 2nd edition, alameda, sybex, 2004, p 530