Motherboard-2. agp card-3. power supply- a circuit board, part or assembly that can be quickly and easily removed from a personal computer or other piece of electronic equipment, and replaced by the user or a technician without having to send the entire product or system to a repair should be noted that frus are not strictly confined to computers but are also part of many high-end, lower volume consumer and commercial products. for example, in military aviation, electronic components of line-replaceable units, typically known as shop-replaceable units (srus), are repaired at field-service backshops, usually by a remove and replace repair procedure, with specialized repair performed at centralized repair depots or by the oem.frus allow a technician lacking in-depth product knowledge to fault isolate and replace faulty components.nearly every component of a typical personal computer is an fru. typical frus include: * motherboards * socketed microprocessors * primary storage modules (such as ram) * secondary storage devices (such as floppy drives, hard drives, and optical drives) * bus devices (such as video cards and sound cards) * power supply units * cooling fans * peripherals (such as keyboards, mice, printers, and cables connecting them)