What else needs to be done to enable the filesystems quotas if you want to configure user quotas for the /home filesystem and you've installed the quota packages in linux?
Add usrquota to the /etc/fstab options column-2. run the quotaon command-3. run the quotacheck -avug command-4. edit the user\ s quota settings-5. remount the file system-steps of configure the quota 1. mount the partition using usrquota , grpquota option eg label=/home /home ext3 defaults,usrquota,grpquota 1 1 in fstab then reboot or remount the filesystem #mount -o remount /home 2. create the quota information file #touch /home/aquota.user #touch /home/aquota.group 3. initialize the quota database #quotacheck -ug /home 4. enable the quota #quotaon -ug /home 5. apply the quota policy #edquota -u user1 /home 6. monitor the quota #quota username #repquota /home