Option c - presentation layer
In the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, presentation layer is the 6th layer of the 7 layer model. It is used to share data with the application layer (the 7th layer) in an accurate, well-defined and standardized format. It serves as the data translator for the network. The presentation layer is also known as the syntax layer.
Presentation layer-the presentation layer is the layer that shares information with the application layer and the session layer which is below. the three main factions of the presentation layer are:1. the presentation layer can convert information so that different devices are able to understand it even if they are in different formats. for example a video card would send the appropriate information to the computer so that the monitor is able to produce images clearly onto the computer.2. the presentation layer can also encrypt and decrypt data so that credit card numbers or pin numbers for example are scrambled (encrypted) when the data is inputted to a certain website to prevent hackers from accessing this data and when the data is outputted the data is unscrambled (decrypted) so that that the online shop can use this data to withdrawal amounts from his/hers bank account.3. the presentation layers final main function is to save time and money so the presentation layer only sends the minimum amount of data to a certain network as bandwidth is very expensive.