Most forms of nonphysiologic hyperplasia are due to insufficient hormonal stimulation or the effects of growth factors on target tissues.
Physiologic hyperplasia can occur as a result of hormonal stimulation or increased functional demands, or as a compensatory mechanisms. e.g. breast and uterine enlargement during pregnancy.
The regeneration of the liver that occurs after partial hepatectomy is an example of compensatory hyperplasia.
Hyperplasia is also an important response of connective tissue in wound healing, during which proliferating fibroblasts and blood vessels contribute to wound repair. although hypertrophy and hyperplasia are two distinct processes, they may occur together and are often triggered by the same mechanisms. e.g. the pregnant uterus undergoes both hypertrophy and hyperplasia as the result of estrogen stimulation.
Most form of nonphysiologic hyperplasia are due to excessive hormonal stimulation or the effects of growth factors on target tissue.