Complementary colors can make some striking optical impacts. The shadow of a protest seems to contain a portion of the complementary color of the question. For instance, the shadow of a red apple will seem to contain a little blue-green. This impact is regularly duplicated by painters who need to make more radiant and sensible shadows. Likewise, on the off chance that you gaze at a square of color for a drawn out stretch of time (thirty seconds to a moment), and afterward take a gander at a white paper or divider, you will quickly observe an afterimage of the square in its complementary color.
In the RGB color wheel, blue is the opposite color to yellow. In the more seasoned, conventional color wheel utilized by Monet and Van Gogh, purple was the complementary color to yellow.
Orange, Blue and Red are on the adjacent faces of yellow colour. Again, Blue, Orange, Red and Purple colours are on the adjacent faces of violet colour. Therefore, violet colour will be on the face opposite to yellow colour.