Y. Dawne, Content Blogger, Diploma in Journalism, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Answered Feb 07, 2019
The correct answers to this question are A, B, and C.
When a user creates a record by using an object-specific create action, a feed item for that record appears: in the feed for the record on which the new record was created; as the first entry in the feed for the new record; in the Chatter feed of the user who created the record; in the user profile feed for the user who created the record; in the Chatter feed of any users who follow the record on which the record was created; in the Chatter feed of any users who, through custom triggers or auto-follow rules for new records, automatically follow the new record.
As the first entry in the feed for the new record In the feed for the record on which the new record was created In the Chatter feed of the user who created the record