If the question was, "what type of force is the action of rubbing hands together?" then the answer would be friction. Friction is a force, not energy.
If the question was "what type of energy is generated as a result of rubbing hands together?" then the answer would be thermal energy, which was converted from mechanical energy (energy from the mechanical process of friction).
Rubbing your hands together is a classic example of friction. Friction is basically caused when to objects are rubbed against each other. It is a result of the resistance that is produced as a result of the rub. The product of this rubbing is heat.
This is why if you might have noticed, your hands get hot when your rub them together for a certain period of time. Another classic example would be using an eraser to rub out pencil from a piece of paper. After rubbing the eraser for a while, the tip in contact with the paper will feel hot.