No, protein molecules can’t store energy. Proteins are complex organic nitrogenous substances found in the cells of living beings. Protein forms the central position in the functioning of living matter. Protein constitutes over half the dry weight of most organisms. Protein constituents are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and in rare cases, Sulphur.
There are several functions of protein, which include
1. Protein serves as enzyme catalysis, transport, storage, support, motion, and regulation
2. Protein serves as an important structural element of the body, which includes fibrin, which forms blood clots, hair, etc.
3. Protein serves as circulatory transporters such as hemoglobin and myoglobin
4. It also serves as immunoglobins, and surface antigens serve as a defense system.
5. other types of protein like actin and myosin participate in muscle contraction.