The parent must remain unflustered in the face of what is, for the child, his bullying behaviour. S/he is trying to assert his/her will upon the parent in order to get his/her way. The parent must set limits so that a child does not become so out of control that he damages himself or others or item around him.
It is also quite fearful for the child to be allowed to run out of control, and despit the tantrum and attempt to get his own way, it is comforting to feel the greater power of the parent. It makes the child feel safe, whereas sensing there are no boundaries is a very scary thing.
C. According to Erikson, the child focuses on independence between ages 1 and 3 years. Gaining independence often means that the child has to rebel against the parents wishes. Saying things like no or mine and having temper tantrums are common during this period of development. Being consistent and setting limits on the childs behavior are the necessary elements.