What is a frozen chunk of ice dust whose orbit around the sun is very - ProProfs Discuss

What is a frozen chunk of ice dust whose orbit around the sun is very elliptical called?

Asked by Brittanydaniels, Last updated: Aug 27, 2024

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3 Answers

Carice Snow

Carice Snow

I am a well trend Motivational speaker at California.

Carice Snow
Carice Snow, Motivator, MA, California

Answered Jun 20, 2019

The correct answer to this question is Comet. They are small, icy solar system bodies. This is until the pass close to the Sun and warms up. When this occurs, the outgassing process starts, which is the comet releasing gas. Comets contain a nucleus, which is the body, as well as water, other ices, and nitrogen.

Perihelion is the point in the comet that gets closest to the Sun. The aphelion is the furthest away. If a comet orbits the Sun too many times, it will break apart. Most comets are formed in the solar system regions Oort Cloud and Kuiper Belts.

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John Adney

John Adney

John Adney
John Adney

Answered Oct 24, 2017

The frozen chunk of ice that orbit the sun is Comet.

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John Smith

John Smith

John Smith
John Smith

Answered Feb 12, 2017

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