The layering of rocks is similar in many places on earth, so they examine different layer to assess the age and C states that some of the element gradually change into other elements due to radioactivity, this rate can be studied in the lab, then applied to rocks to see how old they are.
Geologic age dating is a discipline on its own, which is called geochronology; there are two main approaches to know the age of a rock, which is relative age dating and absolute age dating. Relative age dating involves examining the different layers of rock. Absolute age dating is based on fossils that represent a particular period or due to radioactive decay.
A state's Layering of rocks is similar in many places on Earth, so they examine different layers to assess ages and C states. Some elements gradually change into other elements due to radioactivity.
This rate can be studied in the lab, and then applied to rocks to see how old they are. There are two favorite ways to date rocks. These are absolute dating and relative dating. Most of the stones which have a date have been found using relative dating, which is the process of using location and index fossils.