When you search the internet, chances are you would get different kinds of answers for the best online game site. The reason is that there are tons of websites for online games, and people will always want you to see their preferred sites as the best. While there are indeed tons of websites that house different kinds of online games, many people consider 'steam' as the best online game site.
Steam has a collection of free online games, as well as other fantastic online games that are available only when you purchase them. Also, there are different online games for adults and interesting ones for kids.
Examples of some popular online games on steam are Team Fortress 2, Garrys Mod, DOTA 2, etc. Kongregate is also a popular online game site. It has excellent features, interesting games, and good layouts. If you want to try other popular online game sites, you can visit Armorgames, Addicting Games, Newgrounds, Yahoo Games, etc.