This depends on who is approaching the hazardous material. If it is someone who is unqualified to remove the hazardous material or doesn’t know what to do with it, placing barrier tape around it and displaying signs or warnings (answers C and D) would be sufficient.
However, if you know what to do with the hazardous material and can dispose of it safely, you would remove it immediately (answer A).
Who is approaching the hazardous material? Do they know how to remove it safely? Or are they going to make it worse or expose themselves if they try to remove it immediately? Always take into account how much you know about the material and what your role is. Here, option A is correct.
You may not be able to remove the item if it is hazardous and you may need specialist help. Warning signs and Barrier tape would be adequate. Would you deal with a chemical spillage if unqualified? Poorly worded question