The brainstem consists of 3 structures: the midbrain, the pons and the medulla oblongata.
The midbrain is further divided into 3 parts: the tectum, the tegmentum and the ventral tegmentum. It serves important functions in motor movement, especially movement of the eyes. It’s also important for hearing. The midbrain also houses the hypothalamus.
The pons lies between the midbrain and the medulla oblongata. It consists of tracts that carry signals from the cerebrum to the medulla. It houses the pnemotaxic and the apneustic centres. It is involved in motor and sensory analysis.
The medulla oblongata is the lower part of the brainstem. It is involve in maintaining vital body functions, such as breathing and heart rate. This is the part of the brainstem that continuous with the spinal cord.