We need to know science safetyrules before we do a lab because if we don’t know the rules and are dealing with dangerous chemicals, we can get poisoned, burned, and somebody hurt. In this situation you would need to know these rules: wear goggles, gloves,aprons, and to read the instructions. For example, we would want to read the instructions together and let everyone ask questions if needed.Also, everyone needs to know where thefire extingisher and fire blanket is in case of fire.Plus, we need to know where the emergency electricityturn off buttonand the eye wash station is in case of something in eye or someone getting an electric shock.These are some reasons and examples of why we need to know science safety rules before a lab.
We need to know science safetyrules before we do a lab because if we don’t know the rules and are dealing with dangerous chemicals, we can get poisoned, burned, and somebody hurt. In this situation you would need to know these rules: wear goggles, gloves,aprons, and to read the instructions. For example, we would want to read the instructions together and let everyone ask questions if needed.Also, everyone needs to know where thefire extingisher and fire blanket is in case of fire.Plus, we need to know where the emergency electricityturn off buttonand the eye wash station is in case of something in eye or someone getting an electric shock.These are some reasons and examples of why we need to know science safety rules before a lab. FLORENCIA