Millions of inventions are witnessed in our world today. Inventions only make the world to be a better place, filling up the gap between our expectations and available products. Humans have invented numerous things that have only helped humankind and also influenced and inspired many others to do the same. This has been growing ever since.
Presently 3.3 million patents were granted in 2018 and pragmatically, the number of inventors either awaiting a patent or having omitted the process altogether is expected to be much larger. Here are some of the latest invention this year:
HTC Vive Pro Eye VR, Starkey Livio AI – Advanced Hearing Aids, SkinCeuticals Unique Skin Care, FLYTE Levitating Light Bulb, Verilux CleanWave Sanitizing Wand, Water Walker & Spa, Phree Electronic Sensor Pen, Sidewinding Circular Skates and many more.