The Dark series is based around time traveling and four different families. These families are connected together through the secrets they hold and their need for the truth. Dark falls under the genre of being a thriller that is embedded with science fiction. It premiered in 2017 and ran for three seasons. Despite the third season having a storyline that could open up for the fourth season, the creators of the show announced that the season that ran in 2020 would be their last season. Dark is still a favorite fan show for those that love thrillers and time traveling.
There are different series that may get your attention but “Dark†may be a bit different from the usual. The concept of this series is that it has to show that there are different factions of people. There are a lot of people who are related to one another because of their generations. There are people here who are trying to take control of the ability to time travel. The setting of this series is in Winden, Germany. All of the people who are living in this town are interconnected because of a 33-year cycle that caused trauma that is still ongoing.