What's the role of unemployment in the United states crimes? - ProProfs Discuss

What's the role of unemployment in the United states crimes?

Asked by Jenske , Last updated: Sep 02, 2024

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Denton Perez

Denton Perez

love to pen down the thought on diverse topics.

Denton Perez
Denton Perez, Professor, High School, Utah

Answered Dec 04, 2020

It is a known fact that unemployment and the crime rate work together hand in hand. I will say the rate of unemployment is directly proportional to the crime rate, and the United States is not an exemption in the matter. When there is an increase in unemployment, there would also definitely be an increase in desperation, poverty, as well as the crime rate.

Unemployment simply refers to the state of being jobless. Unemployment actually leads to an increase in poverty and hunger, which in turn, makes people be desperate to do relatively anything, and thereby leading many to criminal acts.

Although there are several reasons or causes that can lead to crime, which include poverty, low self-esteem, drug abuse and alcohol, and some other few causes, and of which none of these really has much influence on the crime rate as unemployment. However, the rate of unemployment in the United States is at about 6.9 percent.

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Building buildings and building intelligence

Youness , Builder, B. Tech, Bern

Answered Nov 18, 2020

The rate of unemployment in the world keeps rising every day. Studies have shown there is a correlation between unemployment and crime rates. Unemployment in the united states is a big deal because it is one of the leading countries in the world. They were unemployed means not having a job and being in search of one. The rise in unemployment is affected by different reasons. This includes the rapid growth of technology. Technology has taken the role of most people, which makes employment hard and living hard; this makes people result in illegal activities. Some individuals are underemployed, which can be categorized as unemployment. Most people that are unemployed just want a means of survival to make ends meet.
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Find happiness in writing new things.

Zack , English Professor, PhD, Basel

Answered Nov 03, 2020

The rate of unemployment in the United States and other areas of the world seems not to be decreasing. The unemployment rate seems to be increasing by the year. This has contributed negatively to the community, both in the United States and other areas of the world. An increase in the crime rate has been attributed to the increase in the rate of unemployment. Research shows that a percentage increase in the unemployment rate results in a 1.8 percent crime rate. There is a moral saying that “an idle hand is the devil’s workshop”. It means that when one has nothing that he is busy doing, he or she might eventually settle down doing what is not profitable, or in fact, what can be detrimental to the wellbeing of the society. Over 90 percent of those involved in crime in the United States are those who do not have employment to settle down with.
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Samantha Stewart

Samantha Stewart

Love to do some charity work. Have a passion for writing and do it in my spare time

Samantha Stewart
Samantha Stewart, Philanthropist, Post Graduate, Corpus Christi

Answered Oct 28, 2020

There are a lot of reasons why unemployment in the United States is such a big deal. The United States is considered to be a first-world country. There are a lot of people who are expected to have money to spend on the things that they need and want. The thing is, the economy of the United States has started to go down because of some factors. One of these factors is unemployment. There are a lot of small businesses that closed down. There are a lot of people who do not know where they are going to get the money that they need to live anymore. It also does not help that most people in the United States have debts because of their purchases.
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A. Daniels

A. Daniels

A. Daniels
A. Daniels, Professor, San Diego

Answered Oct 23, 2020

Studies have shown that there is a direct link between unemployment and crime rates. One of the reasons for this is for some people; it is hard to find a job, especially if unemployed for a long time. Another reason why is technology is starting the decrease the need for the human workforce.

Unfortunately, if a person is unable to find a join, it may lead them to commit a crime to make ends meet, such as a robbery. Along with that, a person may turn to sell illegal substances to find a way to make money and pay bills.

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