What is the list of US presidential election 2020 candidates? - ProProfs Discuss

What is the list of US presidential election 2020 candidates?

Asked by Yashu Dhiman, Last updated: Aug 10, 2024

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G. Woods

G. Woods

Traveler and writer by profession.

G. Woods
G. Woods, College student, Graduate, Southampton

Answered Dec 03, 2020

In the first instance, there were one thousand, two hundred and twelve (1,212) candidates that filed to run for the United States presidency, which includes 23 Green candidates, 65 Libertarian candidates, 164 Republican candidates, 323 Democratic candidates, and others. However, as it stands, it seems as though it is only Donald John Trump and Joe Biden that is only known to be running for the presidency. Of course, they are the favorite candidates.

Nonetheless, there were many other candidates who have dropped out of the list of the US presidential election (2020), from both the Republicans and the Democrats. The candidates from the Democrats include Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, Elizabeth Warren, Michael R. Bloomberg, Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, Tom Steyer, Deval Patrick, Andrew Yang, Michael Bennet, John Delaney, Cory Booker, Marianne Williamson, Julian Castro, Kamala Harris, Steve Bullock, Joe Sestak, Wayne Messam, and a few others. And from the Republicans, the dropped candidates are William F. Weld, Joe Walsh, and Mark Sanford.

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Steinn , Corporate employee, Graz

Answered Nov 27, 2020

It may be too early to start pontificating about who will run for president since we are not even finished counting the 2020 election votes. That being said, some of the possible names that are being thrown around for the next presidential election include Democratic candidates Stacey Abrams, Michael Bennet, Cory Booker, Joe Kennedy, Amy Klobuchar, Michelle Lujan Grisham, Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom, and of course Kamala Harris is the favorite for the democratic ticket. The Republican candidates include Greg Abbot, Tom Cotton, Mike Dewine, Larry Hogan, Mike Pence, Rick Scott, Nikki Haley, and Marco Rubio. The next presidential election in the United States will be held on November 5th, 2024.
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Bergeront Tiffney

Bergeront Tiffney

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Bergeront Tiffney
Bergeront Tiffney, Computer Engineer, M. Tech, Southeast Montgomery

Answered Oct 28, 2020

As the election date gets nearer in the United States, more and more people are making up their minds about who they are going to vote for. The main candidates are Joe Biden who is representing the Democrats and Donald Trump who is representing the Republicans. Take note that there are still other candidates that people may not know much about. For example, Jo Jorgensen is running as a Libertarian. Howie Hawkins is representing the Green Party. There are a lot of presidential candidates but Trump and Biden are the candidates that people are choosing from right now. There is obviously a lot of division that is happening in the United States right now especially with the pandemic that is going on and how the country is faring with the cases that are continuing to rise. The elections will tell who the majority of Americans will support soon.
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E. Dixon

E. Dixon

E. Dixon
E. Dixon

Answered Oct 22, 2020

When it comes to presidential elections, many people may only be familiar with the main candidates from the two parties. However, there are many other people who may be on ballots all over the country.

For this election, the two main candidates that the people may know are from the Democratic and Republican Party. Donald Trump is the candidate for the Republican Party, and he is seeking reelection.

Joe Biden is the candidate for the Democratic Party. Another candidate running for the party is Jo Jorgensen, and she is representing the Libertarian Party. There is also Howie Hawkins, representing the Green party.

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Anika Nicole

Anika Nicole

Content Writer, Teacher

Anika Nicole
Anika Nicole, Wordsmith, PG In Journalism, New York

Answered Oct 14, 2020

The next presidential election of the United States would take place on 3rd November 2020.

Here, I am going to list out the top major candidates who are running for the elections in this article, together with their running mates. The first persons on my list are Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, followed by Jo Jorgensen and Spike Cohen, then Howie Hawkins and Angela Nicole Walker, and lastly is the present president, Donald Trump, and Mike Pence.

Donald Trump actually filled in for reelection on 20th January, 2017. And he would run under the umbrella of the Republican. Joe Biden was nominated on 18th August, 2020, by the Democratic Party. Jo Jorgensen was actually nominated by the Libertarian Party on 23rd May 2020 as their presidential candidate. Lastly, on my list is Howie Hawkins, who was nominated by the Green Party on 11th July 2020, as their presidential nominee.

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