1. Draw the shape of the eye: The first thing you should do when you are prepared to draw is to draw the outline of the male anime eyes. This will basically be eyelashes. Note that the eyes of young male is usually narrower when it comes to the drawing animes.
2. Draw the iris of the eye: Draw the iris of the eyes in an oval shape. Though you can draw it like real eyes too, but most animes have more of their eyes drawn in this form. The eyelids can actually cover much of the pupil.
3. Draw the pupil: The shape of the pupil will be just like that of the iris -vertical oval shape. But the pupil will be narrower and smaller.
4. There would actually be a shadow at the top of the eyes. Therefore, erase the upper part of the pupil. Then, add your main and secondary reflection in the eyes.
5. Add reasonable color to your drawing. The reflection should most likely be white.