The first method I would be teaching you on how to find the number of electrons would be on the periodic table.
Thus, follow these steps:
1. Pick up your periodic table. Don't worry if you are not used to it before, I will make my explanations simple enough to understand it. Note: A period table is actually the table that contains the elements.
2. Locate the element you want to find its electron on your periodic table. Knowing the short representation of the elements can help well. You will see some numbers written around the elements. The number at the top left, which is usually referred to as the atomic number; yes! That is your number of electrons. Note that electrons are negative charges.
If you are given the values of atomic mass and neutrons, and you are told to find electron; just follow these easy steps:
1. Write your atomic mass number, and also write your number of neutrons.
2. Subtract the number of neutrons from the atomic mass number, which would give you your number of electrons.