To make a compass, the first thing to think of is how to gather the various materials you will need. Get materials such as a pin, magnetizer, a bowl, cork, etc.
1. Get a pin or needle for your compass needle. While there are a lot of materials you can use for this, such as hairpin, safety pin, needle, the last item mentioned is usually advised to be used.
2. Look for a good needle magnetizer you can use, and also prepare your bowl and some water.
3. Regardless of whatever material you are using for your compass needle, the next thing to do is to get a magnetizer as advised in step 2 and start magnetizing the needle. This is usually done by constantly rubbing the needle with the magnet in the same direction.
4. Get a cork and put the needle through it.
5. Remember the bowl and some water mentioned in step 2? Then float the needle by putting it inside the bowl.
6. Check if the needle is magnetized. To check this, see if the needle is spinning anticlockwise or clockwise.
7. Determine the north of the magnetized needle.