To identify a sugar maple tree, knowing how to identify its leaves is very important.
1. One of the things you can use to easily identify sugar maple leaves is by knowing what their color is. Sugar maple leaves have a dark green color. Although, this information might not really help you since there are some leaves with this type of color too. However, you will be able to clearly identify a sugar maple leaf by looking at some other ways of describing it.
2. The most important information that will actually be of great help to identify a sugar maple leaf is the structure and numbers of lobes it has. While most sugar maple leaves have five lobes, there are instances where you will see sugar maple leaves having three to four lobes.
3. The arrangement of these lobes is such that there is a central lobe in the middle, which also has four lobes around it, i.e, two lobes at both sides.
4. Check the edges of the leaf; you will notice a very big u-shaped margin which separates each lobe.