Follow these steps to set up solitaire:
1. Start by shuffling the deck, then deal seven cards and position them in a row. Position the first card such that it faces up, and the remaining six cards should face down and position next to the first card.
2. Then deal with another round of six cards and place them on the first six cards. Mind you, the first card of the second six should be facing up.
3. For the third round, place about five cards on the last five cards from the left. The card on the first card of the five cards should face up.
4. Deal another round of four cards and place them on the last four cards. The first card to be placed starting from the left should face up while the remaining three cards to the right should face down.
5. Deal another round of three cards and place them on the last three cards, but the first of the cards by the left should face up.
6. Deal two cards and place them on the last two cards, but only the card of the sixth card should face up.
7. Complete this by placing the last card of the seventh card, but it should also face up.
8. Create space for waste pile, and also space for foundation piles.
9. After you have been able to set up solitaire, then you can begin to play it.