Here are a few proven methods on how to remove sticker residue.
1. The use of plastic scrappers: the adhesive on various surfaces can be removed with the use of the blade of a plastic knife or edge of an old card or plastic scraper.
2. The use of hot water: you can also remove a sticker residue by adding some quantity of dish detergent into hot water, after which you dip your item into it (if it will not be affected by hot water). After you must have done this, you can now use your finger to easily remove the sticker or use a paper scrapper.
3. The use of a hairdryer: you can simply take your item into the bathroom and put on your hairdryer, subjecting the sticker part of the item to the hot air of the dryer. After this, the adhesive would be loosened, and you can simply scrape off the surface residue.
4. The use of a rubber eraser: A rubber eraser does not work for just pencil marks alone; you can also use it to remove your sticker residue. Simply rub over the surface, and it will roll the sticker residue off.