Envelopes are a convenient way to send letters, bills, and other paper items. They are also useful for keeping birthday cards and invitations until the other person receives them.
Making an envelope is a simple process if you follow these easy steps.
• First, get a paper that’s about twice as large as the envelope you want.
• A standard 8.5 by 11 inches will work well.
• Next, fold the paper evenly. Then, tape together the open left and right sides.
• Next, use tape to securely close the two open edges of the rectangle, leaving the top open.
• The top is where the letter will be placed.
• Next, fold down the top to create a flap. A flap that is about half of an inch will suffice.
• Insert the letter or card.
• Finally, glue the flap to keep your message secure.
• You may also either tape the flap or put a decorative sticker on it.