You should know there are different ways to clean white shoes without affecting their looks. One of these ways is by using soap and water to scrub one's shoes. Most times, people use dish soap for this purpose. Mix any dish soap and (230 ml) of warm water together. You can also use a toothbrush to stir the mixture so they can be thoroughly mixed.
At times, you can even use white vinegar in place of dish soap. This stage is where you will need a magic eraser to clean the soles and other parts of your shoes. Don't use any dirty material for this because they can add more stain to your white shoes.
The magic eraser needs to be dipped into the soapy liquid you have prepared, squeeze it to force the liquid out, and continue to wipe the shoes until you have the stains removed. Dip a stiff-bristled toothbrush into the soapy liquid you have prepared and use it to scrub the areas of the shoes that are heavily stained. Finally, use a paper towel or clean cloth to pat your shoes.