Taking a reading from a ruler is quite easy; you don’t have to worry, especially when you know the type of ruler you are using. There are mainly two types of rulers which are the inch ruler and the metric ruler. On the inch ruler, you will have a least 12 big numbers on them while on the metric ruler, you will have a least 30 big numbers on them.
When you measure from an inch ruler, learn the inch marks because the inch ruler has up to 12 marks and also learn the1/2-inch mark, the 1/2marks is the second longest line on the ruler. Next, you have to know the1/4 of an inch mark; the ¼ is a smaller line, which is halfway in between each ½ inch line. You also have to learn the 1/8-inch line, which are the smaller marks found directly between the ¼ inch marks. And lastly, for inch reading, learn 1/16-inch reading.
In a metric reading, first, get your metric ruler, learn all your centimeters marks and practice the1/2centimeter marks and also learn millimeter marks.