Minesweeper does not come pre-installed into Windows computers anymore. You can download the remastered version from Windows 10 store for free. It will teach you how to play.
• Each minesweeper game begins with a grid of untouched squares.
• Upon clicking on one of the squares, some of the squares will disappear.
• Some remain vacant, and some will have numbers on them.
• Your goal is to employ the numbers to figure out which of the empty squares contain mines and which are safe to click.
• Use the mouse’s left and right buttons.
• The mouse is the only tool that is necessary to play in minesweeper.
• Clicking a square will clear off some of the board while numbering other squares.
• You must know the meaning of the numbers.
• A number on square mines that are currently touching that square.
• For example, if two squares are touching each other and one of the squares has a one on it, you know the square next to it has a mine beneath it.