An abstract class is a special type of class that acts as a base of other classes and cannot be instantiated. Its developed classes provide the implementation logic of an abstract., The abstract converter is used to make a class abstract, which means some missing implementation needs to be employed in the class derived from it.
It contains both abstract and non -abstract members. An abstract class is necessary to offer basic functionality that can be shared and superseded by multiple classes. It is important to avoid code duplication. The abstract class looks like interfaces but with added purpose.
On the other hand, an interface is not a class that contains only the signature of functionality. It is a pattern with no application. Theoretically speaking, it’s just the characterization methods that contain only the declaration of abstract members such as methods, events, indexers, and properties. It cannot be instantiated directly, and any class can execute its members. Also, a class can implement multiple interfaces; however, a class can only inherit a single class.