In systems where more external logic currents transmit through multiple U/I interconnects with a single microprocessor, U/I polling is used. The microcomputer frequently calls each external logic circuit and examines whether it has the necessary service. If the external logic circuit does not require servicing, the microcomputer investigates the next external logic circuit.
The U/I transfer function is incorporated into the program. Polling is the process of a client call that can send information after being called. If the client has information, he sends it after the poll. Suppose there is no data, and the client reacts negatively. In that case, the server calls the next client by executing a program the microprocessor can receive interruption signal through the individual IRQ lines. Interruption is accomplished by contacting the appropriate system subroutine for interrupt processing.
These are called BIOS or DOS interruption routine processing. After interrupt processing, the processor maintains its execution to the interrupted program. The application of the program may contain a command that calls for the implementation of a BIOS. The BIOS includes a set of elementary input-output routines that can run instantly, and the corresponding DOS routines are slower, but their resources are more impressive. Therefore, a hardware interrupt is the processor's signal from another device in the computer, and a software interrupt is the BIOS or DOS procedure's execution process.