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Yashu Dhiman, Content Writer, Diploma in Literature, Noida, India
Answered Jul 30, 2020
In music, the clef is a symbol used to represent or signify the pitch of a note and positioned at the beginning of the staff indicates the tone and name of notes positioned on the line.
The three forms of clef that are being used are: F, C, and G, and each clef on the staff is designated a reference note to the line where it is found. Soprano and alto are marked with a treble clef; tenor bass is marked with a treble clef. While playing the piano, only the treble and the bass clefs are employed. The treble clef has a higher sound, and it is space higher than the bass clef. In treble clef, the G clef is situated above the middle C right on the second line of the staff. It is often described as the G clef because it envelops the G note on the staff. The treble is the highest sound in music, while the bass is the lowest reverberation that is registered in music. The bass clef, or the F clef, is placed below the middle C on the fourth line of the staff. It is referred to as the F clef since it surrounds the F clef.
Treble and bass are known to be high-end frequencies. Treble is known to be a little bit higher as compared to the mid-range tones. For example, the soprano is considered to be one of the examples of treble sounds. Other sounds that will be considered as treble are piccolos and flute tones.
Bass, on the other hand, is better known as the sounds that are a bit lower than usual. Some of the examples of bass sounds are alto and other deep sounds. There are some instruments that will be able to produce these types of sounds. Take note that they will be heard in different parts of the ear.