JFET and MOSFET both serve as field effect transistors (FETs), voltage controlled, which are majorly used for amplifying weak signals, most especially wireless signals. They happen to be UNIPOLAR devices, which are capable of amplifying digital and analog signals.
However, firstly note that JFET stands for Junction Field Effect Transistor, while MOSFET simply means Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor. In addition to the differences between these two components, it is important to note that JFET operates only in the depletion more. Meanwhile, MOSFET has the ability to operate in both the enhancement mode and depletion mode.
JFET is of lower input impedance, while MOSFET is of her input impedance, with the former being 10^9 ohms, and later is 10^14 ohms. You can apply JFET mainly with lower noise, while you can employ MOSFET when it comes to higher noise application. JFET has a simple manufacturing process, and it is cheaper, while the complexly manufactured MOSFET is costlier.