Heat is what keeps people warm during the cold months. It is also important for devices used for cooking and in vehicles to warm them. ASME and ASNI are related to the heating industry. ANSI stands for American National Standards Institute.
It is younger for it was founded in 1918, and it looks over the standards for the products in the United States. ASME is much older, as it was around in 1880. It stands for American Society of Mechanical Engineers. They focus mainly on boilers and vessels. ASNI is much broader, and it focuses on a number of different devices and standards.
A lot of people can become confused between ANSI and ASME. They are obviously different from each other. ANSI is more focused on improving the overall market of the United States of America. This would like to make sure that the United States will always be one of the top contenders in the market.
ASME, on the other hand, will be more focused on making sure that all of the engineering issues and all potential issues can be easily resolved. This will also be focused on improving the available safety issues that may occur.
Between the two, ASME has been around for a longer period of time. In fact, it was decades before ANSI became available.