Both SEM and TEM refer to the instrument and technique utilized in electron therapy. TEM stands for a transmission electron microscope, and this microscope transmits a beam of electrons through a sample. This beam creates an image of the internal composition of the object, and it came to fruition because of the communication between electrons and atoms.
SEM stands for a scanning electron microscope. The distinction between the two is that SEM produces an image by detecting reflected electrons. TEM delivers an image by detecting transmitted electrons.
SEM examines the surface of the sample, while TEM assesses the internal structure. The electron beam in SEM is dispersed reflected electrons. The TEM electron beam is used to transmit electrons. The description of the image in SEM is 3D, while TEM is 2D.
Microscopes are used to help see things closer and in detail. There are two prominent microscopes that are used, which are SEM and TEM. SEM stands for a scanning electron microscope. TEM stands for a transmission electron microscope.
Both of these microscopes use different types of electron beams. SEM uses a beam that is scattered, which allows the electrons to be reflected. TEM uses a beam that has electrons that are transmitted. Another difference between them is what the microscopes analyze. SEM analyzes the sample's surface and does so through a 3D image. TEM analyzes its internal structure through a 2D image.