What is the difference between Density and Weight? - ProProfs Discuss

What is the difference between Density and Weight?

Asked by Jenske , Last updated: Aug 01, 2024

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D. Smith

D. Smith

Learning new things along with my music

D. Smith
D. Smith, Musician, MA, Nottingham

Answered Jul 16, 2020

Density is the physical property of matter that involves the mass of an object per volume. Weight is a tangible property of matter that concerns the mass of an object with consideration to the force which impacts the object. The force is either gravity or lack of gravity.

The formula for density is displayed in its definition density can be obtained from the quotient of an entity's mass to its volume, while the formula for weight is mass multiplied by gravity. Mass is a comparable component.

However, the processes used in the formulas are different. Calculating density involves division, while estimating weight requires multiplication. Density deals with volume, which is the result of an object's height, width, and length. Gravity, which is an essential component of the formula for weight, has an extremely complex formula. Another substantial distinction between the two is that density calculates the intrinsic values of its components.

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B. Wright

B. Wright

Always excited to learn and talk about new topics

B. Wright
B. Wright, Analyst, MCA, Boston

Answered Jul 13, 2020

Density and weight are two terms that are associated with the study of science. It is specifically related to the subject of physics. Both terms are both used in other fields as well. Weight is used to indicate how healthy someone is, while density can be used in statistics. When it comes to science, there are clear differences between them. Density combines weight and volume, while weight focuses on the relationship between gravity and mass. They are both calculated in different ways. Density is calculated by dividing mass over volume. Weight is calculated by multiplying mass and gravity. The total that both formulas have are expressed in different terms. Weight is expressed in Newton's Law. Density is expressed by using the formula of volume and mass.
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