RSS or Really Simply Syndication and ATOM are both standards for web feeds, although RSS is usually considered as the older of the two. RSS is very difficult to deal with and it can be confusing at times. However, ATOM was designed to improve on all the limitations of RSS, and that is why ATOM has been able to overtake RSS as the real standard for web feed.
ATOM is usually considered as an IETF standard making it easier to use compared to RSS. In the case of ATOM, the format will be well differentiated as you will be able to figure out the language used in the content.
In contrast, the RSS does not offer this feature meaning the format of the content will not be declared explicitly and clearly. Another difference between the two which also doubles as the advantage of ATOM over RSS is that the code of the former can still be used with other XML vocabularies, while the code of the latter cannot be used for XML vocabularies.