The prophecy about seven shepherds and eight dukes has its major fulfillment in our day. The citizens of ancient Jerusalem were attacked by the Assyrians. In the near future, Jehovahs apparently vulnerable people will come under attack from the modern-day Assyrian, whose intent will be to wipe them out. The Scriptures refer to that attack as well as the attack of Gog of Magog, the attack of the king of the north, and the attack of the kings of the earth. (Ezek. 38:2, 10-13; Dan. 11:40,44, 45; Rev. 17:14; 19:19) Do these represent separate attacks? Not necessarily. The Bible could be referring to the same attack under different names. What secret weapon does Micahs prophecy indicate Jehovah would raise up against that implacable foethe Assyrian? A very unlikely oneseven shepherds, yes, eight dukes! (Mic. 5:5) The shepherds and dukes (or, princes, NEB) in this implausible army are the congregation elders. (1Â Pet. 5:2) Today, Jehovah certainly has provided an abundance of spiritual men to shepherd his precious sheep, to strengthen his people for the future attack of the modern-day Assyrian. -w13 11/15 p20*##**##*