Super G and downhill are two-speed centric skiing disciplines that seem similar, but still have some observable differences between them. Downhill can be said to have a longer course. There are different types of terrain. They are also involved, be it steep or flat. And when it comes to the placement of flags, which are also referred to as gates or poles, though you can never see two flags together at a spot, the flags are usually close to each other.
The flags can be as much as possible so that the skier can always be able to spot the next flag. On the other hand, the Super G skiing, which is also referred to as the Super Giant Slalom, has a specific number of flags placed at the minimum. For the female categories, there are usually 30 flags, while there are about 35 flags for the male racing. Compared to the downhill that can have few straight paths in the racing, the Super G is full of turning points from the beginning to the end, which makes it somewhat tougher.