The cytosol is the intracellular fluid that is present inside the cells; cystol is part of the cytoplasm that is not held by any of the organelles in the cell. The cytoplasm is part of the cell, which is contained within the cell membrane.
It is in the cytosol that all metabolic chemical reactions of prokaryotes take place, while in the cytoplasm cell division, glycolic and other metabolic paths. The cytoplasm is the gelatin-like, semi-transparent liquid that fills the cell. It contains the mitochondrion, Golgi apparatus, vacuoles, plastids, cell wall, and the endoplasmic reticulum, while the major component of the cytosol is the concentration, protein complexes, cytoskeleton sieving.
Cytosol composes of water, ions, and large water-soluble molecules, while cytoplasm contains nucleic acid, lipid, enzymes, amino acids, carbohydrate, etc.