Facebook and Orkut are very popular social media sites that people make use of. These two websites actually have some significant differences between them. Foremost, the interface of Facebook is a very professional one while that of Orkut is not as professional as Facebook. The interface of Orkut seems less appealing to the eyes, like an unfinished project, when compared to the Facebook outlook. Another difference is that Orkut usually allows for ratings, like sexiness or hotness rating, while Facebook doesn't permit that.
Another additional feature in Orkut is that you can categorize your friends into probably close ones, acquaintances, and others. Meanwhile, it's just friends on Facebook. In Orkut, you can see those who have viewed your profile while Facebook doesn't provide much chance. In addition, there is a bit of privacy that you can achieve on Facebook but not on Orkut. The mini-feed feature which provides you with updates on Facebook is absent in Orkut.