HTTP plays a major role in helping us to access the internet, and is also referred to as the Hypertext Transfer Protocol. HTTP defines the rules and methodology in transporting data from our computer to the viewing site's server and vice versa. One issue about HTTP is that it can be vulnerable, as it can enable someone to watch your browsing activities. However, if all you do are just normal Googling and using the social media, you should not bother. Moreover, there might be time you may need to send some private messages through your mail, or make some online payments. Hence, any intruder might tamper with your privacy or account. Nevertheless, https is the solution to this. This is an HTTP over SSL, which is a means that provides secured connection, and transmits your data by putting it in an encrypted form.
Whenever you send data through the internet, even if someone eavesdrops, they won't be able to get the data in a comprehensible way. It only gets decrypted when it gets to its final destination.