The sound knowledge of the parts of speech is very crucial in learning grammar, and it is needful to distinguish between Nouns and Verbs, which are two major parts of speech that are very pronounced. A noun is a part of speech that describes a person, place, or thing which can also describe an object, state, action, or concept. A verb, on the contrary, is a part of speech that explains the action. Nouns are grouped into various types, which include proper nouns and common nouns, countable and uncountable nouns; collective nouns; concrete nouns, and abstract nouns.
In summary, we can say that a noun gives an answer to the question ' what?’ Verbs are used to indicate an occurrence; for instance, when it is used to denote exactly what is happening presently like a protest, also verbs can also indicate an existence, like to exist or stand. Verbs can be categorized into two, which are transitive and intransitive verbs. Transitive verbs operate as the only subject, while intransitive verbs are used in relation to a direct object.