Ukulele has a smaller, which makes it very portable, it is easier to learn, it has a higher tone, and also cheaper to purchase. While conversely, the guitar is larger in size than the ukulele. Guitarists actually have a preference for nylon strings, steel strings for their guitar while ukulele players prefer nylon strings.
A standard guitar usually has six strings that are attached to it. Standard ukulele, in contrast, usually has only four. Ukulele may be harder for people with large hands; the range of tone is limited. Guitars are okay for different kinds of music styles and tones, but it is more costly m, less portable, and so difficult to learn.
There are basically just only two types of guitars, which include acoustic and electric. The ukulele, on contrast, actually has four different classical kinds, which include the soprano, concert (or alto), tenor, and baritone, which is the biggest.