Tribalism and racism are two types of social injustices. They include hate among a group of people. Tribalism is grouping people together into tribes. This practice is common in the Western regions of the world, such as Africa. Racism is judging people based on their race and color of their skin. Between the two, tribalism has less hatred than those who practice racism. This is because racism can widely affect a person's life, affecting their ability to get jobs or to be able to enroll in certain schools. Due to this, there have been many laws put in place against those who choose to be racist.
Ethnicity is known to be a type of social group or the overall category of the population in a certain area. There are different things that may set them apart or may also bind them together. There are certain boundaries that may be set depending on what has already been established by the people who are living in that area.
Tribalism is often described as feelings that people may feel whenever there are other people who may be trying to enter their tribe or their group. There are some tribes that are very particular about the people that they would expect to be included in their lives. They would like also like to continue with the type of lifestyle that they have always lived with.