DBA is an acronym for (Doing business As) and LLC, an acronym for (Limited Liability Company). DBA and LLC are major decisions that should be made while starting a partnership for sole proprietors’ business. DBA is a name business owners use to conduct their business, which has no legal force. DBA has no legal name for its business; it is merely a name the business owner uses to identify their business.
On the other hand, LLC is a business backed by legal forces. The name used in the LLC business is the legal name for the business.
A DBA is less expensive compared to the LLC. The LLC has provided benefits and protection for the business. In DBA, the business owner does not receive personal liability protection while in LLC, the owner is not affected by the company liability.
In order to understand what these things mean, you need to know the difference of these acronyms. DBA stands for Doing Business As. Some people say that this stands for a fictitious name of a company. A DBA will allow you to have a type of business that is different from the usual legal name.
For example, if you would like to have a name for your business, you need to register for DBA. An LLC is different because this stands for Limited Liability Company. This means that the liability of the business will be different from the assets of its owners. The LLC should be managed by managers or other members.