Unicode consists of a list of characters with unique decimal numbers, it includes many encoding styles like UTF-32, UT-16, and many others, while UTF-8 is encoding, it translates numbers into binary.
Unicode is a standard for the computer to manipulate and display text example of Unicode special character is A= 65, B=66, C=67 OR H= 104 E=101, L=108, L=108 O=111 = “HELLO” while UTF-8 is one of many mapping methods for Unicode an example of Unicode is “hello” in a binary number is 01101000 01100101 01101100.
UTF-8 is a mapping method that retains compatibility with older ASCII while Unicode forces a change of system or breaks the current system. UTF-8 is one of the many ways you can encode your file. UTF is one of the most used Unicode standards for the web.