8 bits and 16-bit color are digital color. Digital images are a combination of three primary colors, which are red, green, and blue. The 8-bit color graphics is represented by using an 8-bit byte. It can be expressed as 2 to 8, which gives 256 that is 256 shades of red, 256 shades of blue and 256 shades of blue. There is a possible combination of over 16.8 million colors in the 8 bit colors. While there is a possible combination of 281 trillion colors in the 16 bits.
The 16 bit is expressed as 2 to 16, which is equivalent to 65,536, which is 65.536 shades of all the colors. The 16 bits are shared amongst the colors, 5 bits are used for red, 6 bits are used for green, and 5 bits are used for blue.